BPTO extends the deadline for requesting the priority examination of patent applications concerning technologies related to COVID-19.
On July 1st, 2021, came into force Ordinance No. 29, of June 14, 2021, which was published in the Brazilian Industrial Property Gazette No. 2634. This Ordinance amends Resolution BPTO/PR No. 239/19 aiming to allow the request for priority examination of patent applications concerning technologies related to COVID-19, whose claimed subject-matter is directed to pharmaceutical […]
BPTO renews for ten more years the condition of International Search and Examination Authority
BPTO’s condition of International Searching and Preliminary Examining Authority (ISA / IPEA) under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) was renewed for another ten years. With the renewal, the Institute continues to allow the filing of international patent applications in Brazil in Portuguese, English and Spanish. The decision was made during the 10th Session of the […]
BPTO’s new software registration system under public consultation
The BPTO opened a public consultation regarding their new online system of software registration. Interested parties must give their opinions by Feb. 03 2017. For further information, see http://www.inpi.gov.br/noticias/inpi-abre-consulta-publica-sobre-sistema-de-registro-de-software/view (in portuguese).
BPTO’s new edition of Tech Radar on Rare Earths (or Lanthanides) now available
The BPTO released the latest edition of its Radar Tecnológico (Tech Radar), a statistical report based on patent information. The theme of this new edition is “Rare Earths or Lanthanides”. The report is in Portuguese, but a summary is available in English: http://www.inpi.gov.br/menu-servicos/informacao/arquivos/radar-teras-raras-ingles.pdf