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Corporate Responsibility

Code of Ethics
We highlight here some points of our code. Read them below.
Through this code, we aim to affirm the institutional commitment to the adoption of ethical and integrity standards in the performance of our activities and submission to the principles of good faith, respect for diversity, morality and legality, in our internal and external relationships.
We will act in accordance with the legislation in force, applicable normative acts and good market practices, as well as guide our conduct by the following general principles: Ethical and Good Faith Conduct; Respect for Diversity, Morality, Legality in dealing with their relationships.

Ethical and Good Faith Conduct
We adopt ethical standards of conduct in our internal and external relationships, in order to excel in the adoption of an integral standard of behavior, which imposes, concretely, on all citizens who, in their relations, act with honesty, loyalty and probity.

Respect for Diversity
We ensure respect for the diversity of ideas, opinions, positions, questions and arguments, giving everyone dignified, cordial and fair treatment, regardless of the position or function they occupy, and any discrimination and/or prejudice of any kind is not allowed.

Morality and Legality
We base our conduct by ethical and integrity standards in all our activities, acting within legal and moral limits, and we reject any illegal acts, such as corruption, unfair competition and/or acts harmful to the Public or Private Administration.

Relationship with the Public Sector
Any Professional, acting on behalf of Sociedade Di Blasi, Parente & Associados Propriedade Individual LTDA., is forbidden to offer, promise, pay, deliver and/or authorize any amount, gift and other benefits to any governmental authority with the intention of obtaining an undue advantage for the Company or for third parties, including customers.
We collaborate, to the extent of our possibilities and safeguarding the duty of professional secrecy, with public bodies and authorities, at the national level, in investigations related to legality, morality and public ethics.

Relationship with customers
We are committed to providing services to our customers with zeal, technical quality and agility, in a way that meets, as far as possible, their expectations.
We will not suggest, nor offer our customers any type of option that may violate Brazilian or foreign legislation, good market practices. Also, we will not promise any illicit advantage on behalf of our customers to public agents.

Relationship with the Press
All contacts with the press will be made exclusively by spokespersons designated by us.

Relationship with Suppliers
We are proud to have relationships with suppliers that are in line with our principles, as well as that respect current legislation, and may terminate our relationship with those that are incompatible with them at any time.

Pro Bono, Donation and Sponsorship Services
We can provide services free of charge, on an occasional and voluntary basis (pro bono performance) in favor of non-economic social institutions and their beneficiaries, whenever the beneficiaries do not have the resources to hire professionals or in favor of natural persons who, equally, do not have resources to, without prejudice to their own sustenance, hire a professional; the use of the service for political party or electoral purposes is prohibited.
Social Responsibility
Learn about the projects and causes that Di Blasi, Parente & Associados supports